Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Advance Paper 2

The CSSA acknowledges no risk for any dependence use or reason identified with these ‘Trial’ question papers. Exhortation on HSC assessment issues is just to be acquired from the NSW Board of Studies. 5400-1 Area I †Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Context 20 imprints Attempt either Question 1 or Question 2 Allow around 40 minutes for this segment Answer the inquiry in a SEPARATE composing booklet. In your answer you will be surveyed on how well you: †¢ show comprehension of the implications of a couple of writings when considered together †¢ assess the connections among writings and settings †¢ sort out, create and express thoughts utilizing language suitable to crowd, reason and structure Question 1 †Elective 1: Exploring Connections (20 imprints) To what degree are writings enhanced through their association with different writings? React to this inquiry according to the pair of recommended messages that you have considered. The recommended writings are: †¢ Shakespearean Drama and Film †William Shakespeare, King Richard III AND †Al Pacino, Lookingfor Richard †¢ Prose Fiction and Poetry †Patrick White, The Aunt’s Story AND †Rosemary Dobson, Selected Poems * Young Girl at a Window * Chance Met * Landscape in Italy * Azay-Le-Rideau * The Rape of Europa * Romantic * Primitive Painters Question 1 proceeds on page 3 Question 1 (proceeded) †¢ Prose Fiction and Nonfiction * Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice AND * Fay Weldon, Letters to Alice on First Reading Jane Austen †¢ Poetry and Drama * John Donne, Selected Poetry Death be not pleased This is my playes last scene At the round earths imagin ‘d corners blow If toxic minerals Hymne to God my God, in my sicknesse A Valediction: restricting grieving The Apparition TheRelique The Sunne Rising AND * Margaret Edson, W;t End of Question 1 In your answer you will be surveyed on how well you: †¢ exhibit comprehension of the implications of a couple of writings when considered together †¢ assess the connections among writings and settings †¢ compose, create and express thoughts utilizing language suitable to crowd, reason and structure Question 2 †Elective 2: Texts in Time (20 imprints) Compare the manners by which writings offer bits of knowledge into the human experience. React to this announcement corresponding to the pair of recommended messages that you have examined. The endorsed writings are: †¢ Prose Fiction and Film †Mary Shelley, Frankenstein AND †Ridley Scott, Blade Runner (Director’s Cut) †¢ Prose Fiction and Poetry †F Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby AND †Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh and Other Poems †Sonnets I, XIII, XIV, XXI, XXII, XXVIII, XXXII, XLIII †¢ Drama and Nonfiction †Edward Albee, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf AND †Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own Section II †Module B: Critical Study of Texts 0 imprints Attempt ONE inquiry from Questions 3-7 Allow around 40 minutes for this segment Answer the inquiry in a SEPARATE composing booklet. In your answer you will be surveyed on how well you: †¢ show an educated comprehension regarding the thoughts communicated in the content †¢ assess the text’s language, substance and development †¢ sort out, create and express thoughts utilizing language suitable to crowd, reason and st ructure Question 3 †Shakespearean Drama (20 imprints) How is your own reaction to Hamlet molded by the collaboration of characters in the play? William Shakespeare, Hamlet Question 4 †Prose Fiction (20 denotes) (a) How is your own reaction to In the Skin of a Lion formed by the association of characters in the novel? Michael Ondaatje, In the Skin of a Lion OR (b) How is your own reaction to Cloudstreet molded by the cooperation of characters in the novel? †Tim Winton, Cloudstreet OR (c) How is your own reaction to Sixty Lights molded by the collaboration of characters in the novel? Gail Jones, Sixty Lights OR (d) How is your own reaction to Jane Eyre formed by the collaboration of characters in the novel? Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre Please turn over In your answer you will be surveyed on how well you: †¢ exhibit an educated comprehension regarding the thoughts communicated in the content †¢ assess the text’s language, substance and development †¢ sort out, create and express thoughts utilizing language proper to crowd, reason and structure Question 5 †Drama or Film (20 denotes) (a) How is your own reaction to A Doll’s House formed by the cooperation of characters in the play? Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House OR b) How is your own reaction to Citizen Kane formed by the cooperation of characters in the film? Orson Welles, Citizen Kane Question 6 †Poetry (20 denotes) (a) How is your own reaction to the verse of Yeats formed by an impression of voice in the sonnets? In your answer, allude to THREE of the sonnets set for study. The recommended sonnets are: William Butler Yeats, WB Yeats: Poems chose via Seamus Heaney * An Irish Airman * When You Ar e Old * Among School Children * The Wild Swans at Coole * Leda and the Swan * The Second Coming * Easter 1916 Or then again Question 6 proceeds on page 7 6 Question 6 (proceeded) (b) How is your own reaction to the verse of Harwood molded by an impression of voice in the sonnets? In your answer, allude to THREE of the sonnets set for study. The endorsed sonnets are: Gwen Harwood, Selected Poems * Father and Child (Parts I II) * The Violets * At Mornington * A Valediction * Triste * The Sharpness of Death * Mother Who Gave me Life OR (c) How is your own reaction to the verse of Slessor molded by an impression of voice in the sonnets? In your answer, allude to THREE of the sonnets set for study. The recommended sonnets are: Kenneth Slessor, Selected Poems * Out of Time * Five Bells * Sleep * Five Visions of Captain Cook * Sensuality * Elegy in a Botanical Garden * Beach Burial End of Question 6 In your answer you will be surveyed on how well you: †¢ show an educated comprehension regarding the thoughts communicated in the content †¢ assess the text’s language, substance and development †¢ sort out, create and express thoughts utilizing language fitting to crowd, reason and structure Question 7 †Nonfiction (20 denotes) (a) How is your own reaction to Orwell’s articles molded by a view of voice in these writings? In your answer, allude to THREE of the papers set for study. * George Orwell, George Orwell: Essays The endorsed articles are: * Why I Write * Notes on Nationalism * Good Bad Books * The Sporting Spirit * Politics and the English Language * Writers and Leviathan OR (b) How is your own reaction to addresses formed by an impression of the enthusiasm of the speaker? In your answer, allude to THREE of the discourses set for study * Speeches The endorsed talks are: * Margaret Atwood †Spotty-Handed Villainesses, 1994 * Paul Keating †Funeral Service of the Unknown Australian Soldier, 1993 * Noel Pearson - An Australian History for Us All, 1996 * Aung San Suu Kyi †Keynote Address at the Beijing World Conference on Women, 1995 * Faith Bandler - Faith, Hope and Reconciliation, 1999 * Deane, William †It is Still Winter at Home, 1999 * Anwar Sadat †Speech to the Israeli Knesset, 1977 BLANK PAGE Please turn over Segment III †Module C: Representation and Text 20 imprints Attempt ONE inquiry from Questions 8-9 Allow around 40 minutes for this segment Answer the inquiry in a SEPARATE composing booklet. In your answer you will be surveyed on how well you: †¢ exhibit comprehension of and assess the connection among portrayal and significance †¢ compose, create and express thoughts utilizing language suitable to crowd, reason and structure Question 8 †Elective 1: Conflicting Perspectives (20 imprints) You are addressing a group of people of your companions. Form a discourse wherein you show how your comprehension of clashing points of view is molded by the development of the writings. In your reaction, allude to your endorsed text and TWO writings based on your very own preference. The endorsed writings are: †¢ Shakespearean Drama Prose Fiction Drama or Film †William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar †David Guterson, Snow Falling on Cedars †Peter Whelan, The Herbal Bed OR †Barry Levinson, Wag the Dog †¢ Poetry †Ted Hughes, Birthday Letters * Fulbright Scholars * The Shot * The Minotaur * Sam * Your Paris * Red †Geoffrey Robertson, The Justice Game * The Trials ofOz * Michael X on Death Row * ‘The Romans in Britain’ * The Prisoner of Venda Nonfiction * Show Trials * Diana in the Dock: Does Privacy Matter? * Afterword: The Justice Game 10 Question 9 †Elective 2: History and Memory (20 imprints) You are addressing a crowd of people of your friends. Form a discourse wherein you exhibit how your comprehension of the transaction among history and memory is molded by the development of the writings. In your reaction, allude to your recommended text and TWO writings based on your very own preference. The endorsed writings are: †¢ Prose Fiction †Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior: Memoirs, of a Girlhood Among Ghosts OR †Peter Carey, The True History of the Kelly Gang †¢ Film Poetry †Stephen Frears, The Queen †Denise Levertov, Selected Poems * Ways of Conquest * Don’t You Hear That Whistle Blowin’†¦ * In Thai Binh (Peace) Province * A Time Past * Libation * A Letter to Marek About a Photograph * The Pilots †¢ Nonfiction or Multimedia †Mark Raphael Baker, The Fiftieth Gate OR Smithsonian National Museum of American History September 11 site End of paper 11 EXAMINERS Pamela Nutt (Convenor) Catherine A

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Exploratory Paper On Political Ideology History Essay

Exploratory Paper On Political Ideology History Essay Political philosophy is characterized as a lot of standards and standards made for social request. In this manner, after much thought and consultation, I decided to chip away at Political Ideology. Governmental issues claims to me since I have been fascinated by how it can rouse the majority with ground-breaking talking points by appealling characters. President Barack Obama is a political pioneer whom I significantly respect for his rhetoric expert articulation shown during his lady talks in the U.S. Presidential Elections 2008. I was enraptured by his Yes We Can! discourse which moves the group to scatter all questions about their future and accepting that America will prevail under his authority. Marxism-Leninism and Maoism are socialism ordinarily however takes on an alternate structure to oblige the conditions in their separate nations, Russia and China. Marxism-Leninism is a political philosophy that depends on Valdimir Lenins composing on the thoughts of Karl Marx. Marxism advocates communism while being vigorously basic on private enterprise which he accepts is the fascism of the bourgeoisie, which implies a general public run by the more elite classes of society to their own advantage. His concept of communism is that the general public will be controlled by the average workers known as the autocracy of the low class. Marxs thoughts were vigorously impacted by the class battle in the public eye. One critical occasion that typifies Marxism-Leninism philosophy would be the 1917 October transformation in Petrograd, as of now known as St. Petersburg. Valdimir Lenin was the pioneer of the Bolshevik (socialist) Party that toppled the Russian Provisional government and made another type of Russia called Soviet Russia which acquired Marxism belief systems alongside it. The Bolshevik prevailed upon the help of most of the laborers and officers on account of the severe and totalitarian decision by the settler Tsar which brought about declining financial and social conditions. The average workers was discontent with long working hours, packed lodging issues with poor clean control, low wages which was made most noticeably terrible by increments in typical cost for basic items because of Russias contribution in World War one around then. In this manner Lenin-drove Bolshevik spoke to the majority and confronted little opposition when they organized an overthrow, possessing government structures and key focuses. In China, Maoism is a political belief system that rides along the Marxism-Leninist line. Workers and cultivating structures the principal and building squares of a communist society. The distinction between Lenins Russia and Maos China is tyranny of the common laborers while another is the fascism of the workers. Mao Zedong ascend to the highest point of the Chinese Communist Party was downright marvelous. He was an establishing individual from the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 and was effectively engaged with spreading Marxist plans to the workers in his old neighborhood of Hunan Province. The most huge occasion throughout the entire existence of socialist China is The Long March in 1934-1935. During the Zunyi meeting, Zhou Enlai was removed as the Chief Political Officer of the gathering while Mao Zedong was chosen Chairman of the Politburo with support from the military heads and he has never surrendered his situation since. Mao Zedong was acknowledged for binding together China as a Peoples Republic and away from colonialism (Qing Dynasty) and feudalism (War-Lords). Likewise, the Long March gave the Chinese Communist Party the notoriety that they are happy to suffer hardship for the individuals and to detail arrangements ashore change that would diminish the situation of Chinese laborers therefore increasing wide help from the workers. Another distinction from Marxism-Leninism is the profound conviction that man can win in brutal conditions and accomplished things through solid resolution. He actually pushed through this philosophy during the Great Leap Forward (1958-1960) and the Cultural Revolution (1968-1976). Maoism belief systems can likewise be found in Peru and Nepal. Locally, Singapore likewise had brushes with socialist before. The Barisan Socialis was a previous left-wing ideological group shaped in 1961 by previous individuals from the PAP (Peoples Action Party) and drove by Dr Lee Siew Choh and Lim Chin Siong. The gathering was denounced by the PAP to be a socialist front and regarded a danger to national security which brought about numerous Barisan Socialis individuals captured and detained without preliminary during activity coldstore by the inward security division. Singapore, broadly viewed as a law based society, would be justifiably not be lenient of the Barisan Socialis, as far as anyone knows promoters of socialism since that would be strife of political philosophies. Nonetheless, in view of a concentrate beneath, I felt that it could be reasons of a fanatic sort. In an as of late declassified Colonial office papers, Baron Philip Moore, who was Deputy High Commissioner of Britain in Singapore from 1963 to 1965, was cited as saying: He (Lee) proceeded to recommend that so as to keep away from the Communists assuming control over, he would make a circumstance where the UK Commissioner would be power to suspend the Constitution. This may be done either by the Singapore Government welcoming a Russian exchange crucial Singapore along these lines driving a protected emergency, or by inciting mobs and turmoil, requiring the intercession of British soldiers. I did in any case, structure the feeling that he was very sure he would lose a general political race and was truly playing with the idea of compelling British intercession so as to keep his political foes from shaping an administration. (CO 1030/1149 p.95, para 3) Ever, after unrests for a change in political belief system, there would be power battle for administration as can be found in the Chinese Communist Party. Mao Zedong cleared out all that compromises his situation as pioneer and began the Cultural Revolution. In the Soviet Union, after Lenins demise, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky battled for capacity to lead. At long last, Stalin requested the death of Trotsky. The exercise to be gained from history is that force battles for administration occurs previously, during and after an insurgency. Pioneers sticking to power would utilize all way to combine their status by wiping out political adversaries. It is no distinction paying little heed to political belief systems.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Splitting in Borderline Personality Disorder

Splitting in Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Print Splitting and Borderline Personality Disorder A defense mechanism where everything is black or white By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on July 01, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on July 28, 2019 More in BPD Diagnosis Treatment Living With BPD Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Examples of Splitting Features Diagnosis Care and Coping Emergencies View All Back To Top Splitting is a term used in psychiatry to describe the inability to hold opposing thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. Some might say that a person who splits sees the world in terms of black or white, all or nothing. Its a distorted way of thinking in which the positive or negative attributes of a person or event are neither weighed nor cohesive. Verywell / Hugo Lin   Splitting and Borderline Personality Disorder Splitting is considered a defense mechanism by which people with borderline personality disorder (BPD)  can view people, events, or even themselves in all or nothing terms.?? Splitting allows them to readily discard things they have assigned as bad and to embrace things they consider good, even if those things are harmful or risky. Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder Examples of Splitting Splitting can interfere with relationships and lead to intense and self-destructive behaviors. A person who splits will typically frame people or events in terms that are absolute with no middle ground for discussion?? . Examples include: Things are either always or neverPeople can either be evil and crooked or angels and perfectOpportunities can either have no risk or be a complete conScience, history, or news is either a complete fact or a complete lieWhen things go wrong, a person will feel cheated, ruined, or screwed What makes splitting all the more confusing is that the belief can sometimes be iron-clad or shift back-and-forth from one moment to the next. People who split are often seen to be overly dramatic or overwrought, especially when declaring that things have either completely fallen apart or completely turned around. Such behavior can be exhausting to those around them. Accompanying Features   By itself, splitting may seem almost commonplace, a behavior easily attributed to any number of individuals we know and maybe even ourselves. However, splitting in BPD is considered a consistent and distorted behavior usually accompanied by other symptoms?? , such as: Acting out (acting without consideration to consequences)Passive aggression (an indirect expression of hostility)Denial (consciously ignoring a fact or reality)Projection (assigning an undesirable emotion to someone else)Omnipotence (the belief that you possess superiority in intelligence or power)Emotional hypochondriasis (trying to get others to understand how severe your emotional pain is)Projective identification (denying your own feelings, projecting them onto someone else, and then behaving toward that person in a way that forces them to respond to you  with the feelings you projected onto them) How BPD Is Diagnosed A BPD diagnosis can only be made by a qualified mental health specialist. To make the diagnosis, the doctor would need to confirm five of nine symptoms outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), including:?? Intense and stormy relationships that involve splittingFeeling persistently empty or boredA warped view of yourself that affects your emotions, values, moods, and relationshipsImpulsive behavior, such as abusing substances or driving recklesslyAnger issues, such as violent outbursts followed by extreme guilt and remorseExtreme attempts to avoid abandonment or extreme feelings of abandonmentSuicidal thoughts and/or self-harming behaviorsExtreme depression, anxiety, or irritability that can persist for hours and daysFeeling dissociated from yourself, including paranoia and amnesia Caring for a Loved One With BPD There is no easy answer on how to deal with a loved one who has BPD, especially when symptoms are extreme. How you cope depends largely on the nature of your relationship and the impact your loved ones symptoms are having on your family. However, there are some guiding principles that may help, including:?? Cultivate empathy. Start by reminding yourself that splitting is part of the disorder. While certain actions may seem intentional and manipulative, your loved one is not doing any of this to gain satisfaction. These are simply defense mechanisms he or she turns to whenever he or she feels defenseless.Try to manage your response. If your loved one has BPD, keep in mind that you are in the better position to control your temper. Yelling or engaging in hostility will only serve to make the situation even worse.Remind your loved one that you care. People with BPD are often terrified of being rejected or abandoned. Knowing that someone cares often helps reduce the splitting behavior.Maintain lines of communication. Discussing a situation when it happens allows you to isolate that event rather than piling one situation on top of the next. Failure to communicate only serves to fuel your loved ones rejection anxiety.Set boundaries. Dealing with the challenges of BPD is one thing; becoming th e object of abuse is another. Always set limits with a loved one who has BPD. If that line is ever crossed, explain why you are backing away and try to do so dispassionately. Setting boundaries helps preserve the relationship rather than challenging it.Encourage and support treatment.  Your loved one can live a better life with treatment, which may include medication and/or talk therapy, most likely dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Encourage him or her to start or continue with treatment and learn everything you can about what he or she is going through. If needed, participate in therapy with your loved one.Take care of yourself. This may include finding your own therapist to help you balance your needs along with those of your loved one. When BPD Harms Your Well-Being There may be times where you will need to take more drastic action. In the event that the relationship is harming your family, your work, and your sense of well-being, you may be faced with the reality that the relationship cannot continue.?? While this is an incredibly painful choice for everyone involved, it can also be the most healthy in some cases. If needed, this decision should be made with the help of a qualified mental health professional.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Woolly Worm Caterpillars and Winter Forecasts and Folklore

Every October, NOAAs Climate Prediction Center releases a winter outlook to give the public the best possible scientific prediction of how the winter may shape up across the nation; but in the pre-NOAA days, folks got this same information from a more humble source--the Woolly Bear caterpillar.  Ã‚   Called woolly bears in the Midwest and Northeast, and woolly worms in the Southern U.S., Woolly Bear caterpillars are the larvae of Isabella tiger moths. Theyre common to the United States, northern Mexico, and the southern third of Canada, and are easily recognized by their short, stiff bristles of reddish-brown  and black fur. How to Read a Woollys Colors According to folklore, the woolly worms coloring is said to indicate how severe  the coming winter will be in the local area  where the caterpillar  is found.  The Woolly Bear caterpillars body  has 13 distinct segments. According to weather lore, each one corresponds to one of the 13 weeks of winter. Each black band  represents one week of colder, snowier, and more severe winter conditions, whereas orange bands indicate  that many weeks of milder temperatures. (Some even believe that the position of the bands which part of winter. For example, if the tail end of the caterpillar is black, it means that winters end will be severe.)  Ã‚   Two other versions  of this folklore exist. The first relates the severity of winter to  the thickness of the caterpillars coat. (Thicker coats signal  colder winters, and a sparse coat, milder winters.)  The final  variation deals with the direction in which the caterpillar  crawls. (If a woolly crawls in a southerly direction it means hes trying to escape the cold winter conditions of the north. If he travels on a northward path, that indicates a mild winter.)    Significance of Solid-Colored Woolly Worms Not all woolly worms have alternating orange  and black markings. Occasionally, youll spot one thats all brown, all black, or solid white. Like their brown and black relatives, they too have : Orange:  Just as reddish-brown segments signal a week of mild temperatures, an all brown caterpillar  suggests  an overall mild winter with above-normal temperatures and insignificant snowfall.Black: An all black caterpillar  signals the onset of a very hard upcoming winter.White (sand-colored): White woolly worms are said to predict winter snowfall. Spotting one is supposedly a strong indicator that heavier than average snows --  or even a blizzard  -- can be expected in the region during the winter season.   How Fame Found the Woolly Worm The woolly worms talent was first discovered in the late 1940s by Dr. Charles Curran, former curator of insects at New York City’s Museum of Natural History. As the story goes, Dr. Curran measured the coloration of woolly bear caterpillars between 1948 and 1956  at  Bear Mountain State Park. During those years, he found that 5.3 to 5.6 of the observed caterpillars 13 body segments were  orange. As his counts suggested, the winters for each of those years turned out to  indeed be  mild.  A reporter friend of Currans leaked his  forecasts to a NYC newspaper,  and  the  publicity the story  generated made woolly  bear caterpillars a household name. Is the Folklore True? Dr. Curran found that the width of reddish-brown fur correctly matched the winter type with 80% accuracy. While his data samples were small, for some people this was enough to legitimize  the folklore.  However, for the majority of todays  professionals, it isnt sufficient data. They argue that not only is a woolly bears coloring  based on its age and species, but also  that it would take researching an awful lot of caterpillars in one place over a great many years in order to make any conclusions about  woollys and  winter weather. One thing most can agree on is that regardless of whether or not the folklore is true,  its a harmless and fun autumn tradition to take part in. When and Where  to Spot  Woolly Worms Woolly worms are usually seen  in autumn  on sidewalks and  roadways.  If you do meet one, dont expect it to hang around for long. Woollys are busy creatures, always on-the-go  searching for a cozy home underneath a rock or log to overwinter in. They  move  pretty fast too (as worms go)!  Ã‚   One sure-fire  way to meet a woolly is to attend a  woolly worm festival. 2016  Woolly Worm Festivals Like  the  groundhog, woolly worms have become so  popular, several festivals have sprouted up across the United States to honor them. The  longest-running festivals are celebrated in:   Vermilion, Ohio. Ohios annual  Woollybear Festival  is one of the longest-running in the US. The festival started more than four decades ago, when  TV weatherman, Mr. Dick Goddard, proposed the idea of a celebration built around using the worm to forecast the upcoming winter. He still hosts the festival to this day.  This years festival is scheduled to be held October 2, 2016. Banner Elk, North  Carolina.  Held every third weekend in October.  This years 39th Annual Woolly Worm festival dates are October 15-16, 2016.   Beattyville, Kentucky. Beattyvilles Woolly Worm Festival is always the last full weekend in October.  This years 29th annual festival will take place October 21-23,  2016.   Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Currently in its 19th year, this years festival will take place on October 15, 2016. If youre a fan of woolly worm festivals, let us also recommend these weather-focused festivals.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Supply Chain Task 2 - 1190 Words

Supply Chain Task 2 A. 1. As I began my journey as a new business owner of a computer company I needed to define my company s goals, decide which direction I wanted to take the company to and create a mission statement that will best represent my company. Since the company was new I needed to come up with something catchy and promising that would invite potential clients to find out more about the products we offer. Since there were more participants in this game and from my professional experience I learned that staying on the same path and making advancements is more beneficial than trying to change directions every time. In this case I remained focused on the same two groups for the remaining 3†¦show more content†¦My last choice was South America even though the expenses were not as high but it is less demanding since the poverty is significantly high. As expected, choosing my locations in this order was a success. 4. Marketing research could definitely be improved since I was not as successful as I was hoping to be. Most of my business was coming from direct sales and not as much from other advertising. I did not want to invest large amounts of money on the popular magazines since the fee was very high and I was concentrating on more common papers such as Science Magazines and business papers. Maybe I should have been more adventurous and invest in more popular magazines but I was afraid that I would suffer financially. Also I was not able to come up with a very catchy advertising line to attract potential clients and was scoring somewhat low on the advertising review. B. One of the most important decisions I made was to invest in international markets. Since Mercedes is from Germany and its factories are in the US I felt as investing in a European market would be a good idea simply because I come from Europe and I know that Mercedes is in demand as well as there are a lot of companies in need of a highly developed machine that can make their discoveries and creations a lot easier. I was a little hesitant about opening offices in Tokyo since their technology is very advanced and cost is very high. But because of that I decided to stand with competition faceShow MoreRelatedFmcg Supply Chain- Managing Complexity1446 Words   |  6 PagesFMCG SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGING COMPLEXITY â€Å"Managing Complexity†: Managing complexity can be explained clearly with the help of following trends- 1) Increasing Number of Products and Services: With the increasing consumerism and competition among the organizations to attract more and more customers, customer has become more demanding and uncompromising. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lab Report Template Free Essays

————————————————- [Overtype title of experiment here] ————————————————- Experiment conducted on [overtype date of experiment here] ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- Module title: EUC_4_005 Design and Practice ————————————————- Occurrence Number: [Overtype your occurrence Number here] ——†”—————————————- Lab Group Number: [Overtype your lab group number here] ————————————————- Course: [Overtype name of course here] ————————————————- ————————————————- Student Name: [Overtype your name here] ————————————————- Student Number: [Overtype student number here] [overtype month and year here] London South Bank University Department of Urban Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment 103 Borough Road, London, SE1 0AA www. lsbu. ac. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Template or any similar topic only for you Order Now uk Contents The tables of contents for main text, tables and figures below are created by field codes. Do not edit them, but press F9 to update them. This red text is non-printing text Contents2 List of Tables2 List of Figures2 List of Appendices2 Summary3 Chapter 1Introduction4 Notes on writing the report4 Notes on using the template4 Chapter 2Apparatus and experimental procedure6 ApParatus6 Experimental Procedure6 Chapter 3Calculations and results7 Chapter 4Analysis and Discussion8 Chapter 5Conclusion9 References10 List of Tables Table 1. 1 This is table title style5 List of Figures Figure 1. This is figure title style5 List of Appendices Type below the Appendix letter and title of appendix for any appendices you have created in the manner as per the example below. If you have not used any Appendices, delete this part of the contents. This red text is non-printing text Appendix ATitle of Appendix A Summary You need to provide a structured summary of no more than 200 words. Write up to two sent ences against each of the parts of the abstract as indicated below. Aim of the experiment: summarise the aim of the experiment Methodology: the equipment and methodology employed Results: key results obtained Conclusion: your thoughts on what you achieved Introduction This chapter should explain the aims and objectives of the laboratory experiment and then briefly highlight the theory and background of the subject, and the relevancy and possible applications of the experiment. Refer to and cite relevant references. You should provide an overview of what is to come in the rest of the report in the final paragraph. You should save a copy of this template for reference purposes as it provides instructions on how to use the template. You should then use the template by overtyping. The rest of this chapter provides instruction on the use of the template. You should print a copy of the template as it now stands and this will from your ‘instruction manual’ for using the template. The you can overtype into the template. Notes on writing the report The laboratory report must use this template, be readable, informative and supported by high quality diagrams, graphs, tables as required. Write the report in the passive voice (as you have been taught in communications classes. Pay close attention to grammar and spelling. Use the past tense for describing the test that was undertaken, and the present tense for the outcomes and conclusions, again, as you have been taught in the communications classes. Always complete your report in good time and give it a very good proof read before submission. Although the laboratory data, and maybe some laboratory observations, are the same for all members of your laboratory group, make sure that the report represents your own thoughts, and in particular, the calculations and results, discussion and analysis, and conclusions should be your very own. Do not copy anything from either the laboratory sheets, other people or other sources. This is theft (also called plagiarism) and will not be tolerated. You should never need to include quotes from other sources. We do not usually do this in technical writing. If, however, you think you have to copy a sentence from somewhere else, then you should make clear that it is copied by putting it in speech marks and quoting the reference source and include it in the list of references in the references section. Notes on using the template Styles This template uses styles The template uses styles and the following list summarises the names and specification of each style: Chapter heading (Style: Heading 1): verdana 12pt bold block capitals, keep with next line. Subheading (Style: Heading 2): verdana 10pt bold block capitals, keep with next line. Subheading (Style: Heading 3): verdana 10pt bold, keep with next line. Abstract text (Style: normal): verdana 10pt single line spacing. Main body text (Style: numbered para): verdana 10pt 1. 5 line spacing, paragraph numbers, one line spacing at end of paragraph. Bullet points (Style: bullet points: verdana 10pt 1. line spacing. Table text (Style: Table): verdana 9pt single line spacing. Figure title (Style: Figure Title): verdana 10pt bold, keep with next line. Table title (Style: table Title): verdana 10pt bold, keep with next line. Margins 2. 5cm all round. Page number at the bottom centre of each page. Styles are selected from the boxes in the home tab. Chapter numbers are generat ed automatically. Table and figure numbers need to be typed in manually. It is usual to number them with the chapter number followed by a full stop followed by a consecutive number within each chapter. To work with styles, you should work in WORD with the paragraph mark ( ¶) showing. Losing the paragraph number may occur if you hit the carriage return twice. Simply select the text where the paragraph number has been last and reselect the style â€Å"numbered para†. Tables and Figures To insert a table use the usual ‘Table’ option from the ‘insert’ menu, then select the table and convert it to the ‘Table’ style. To look neat, ensure the margins of the table are within the margins of the text and carefully choose which borders to mark with lines. Use ‘Table Title’ style for table titles. Table 1. 1 This is table title style | Description| Description| Row title| Data| Data| Row title| Data| Data| Total| total| Total| Figure titles use the Figure title style. The paragraph the figure is inserted against should be in ‘Normal’ style. Figure 1. 1 This is figure title style It is best to centre the figure, and to si ze it so that it is within the margins of the text. Note that every table and figure should be introduced in the text before it occurs. It should then be commented on and evaluated in the text after it has occurred. You are the writer, you cannot expect the reader to interpret the tables and figures: that is your job as the writer. Apparatus and experimental procedure ApParatus List and describe the apparatus and other relevant background equipment used to perform the experiment. A diagram or photograph with superimposed names of parts may help. Experimental Procedure You should describe the procedure that you followed to perform the laboratory experiment. In particular, mention differences from the anticipated procedure as described on the handout. For example, you may need to explain in finer detail than is described on the laboratory briefing sheet the complexity of operation of the laboratory experiment. You should detail the assessments of risk that may have been undertaken before undertaking the laboratory, together with the approach taken to minimise the probability of those risks occurring and the magnitude of any consequences of them occurring. You may also need to illustrate the experimental procedure. Calculations and results This section should report all essential calculations using the appropriate formulae and units. If there are repeated calculations, then show only one typical calculation on the data obtained from the experiment and present this result with the other results obtained from, for example, your use of a spreadsheet. Any detailed and lengthy calculations should be attached as an appendix. In this section, you are expected to present the data and results in tables, graphs, and the results from spreadsheets as appropriate indicating the major results obtained from such experiment. Analysis and Discussion In this section, which is the most important part of your report, you should present a thorough examination of your results and the behaviour of the test as well as tested materials, and you should compare that with the theoretical and ‘standard’ values and behaviour stated in related sources such as textbooks and manuals. You should also state the main outcomes in terms of your learning from the experiment and any reflections on your knowledge. Conclusion and Recommendations The conclusions should be brief and stated in concise statements based on your analysis and discussion. It is important to refer to the major findings and results by values. It may be suitable to mention here any possible improvements to the experiment and its outcome and any possible further work or investigations. References The reference list should contain an alphabetical listing of reference sources according to References should be in accordance with help sheet 30, available from the following url: http://www. lisa. lsbu. ac. uk/helpsheets/hs30. pdf. * * Appendix A Title of the appendix (For raw data, laboratory observations and detailed calculations). * How to cite Lab Report Template, Papers

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Social Interaction in Everyday Life Essay Example

Social Interaction in Everyday Life Essay Social Interaction in Everyday Life Social interaction: the process by which people act and react in relation to others. Status: a social position a person holds Status set: all of the statuses that person holds at any given time Ascribed status: a social position that someone receives at birth or assumes involuntarily later on in life. Achieved status: a social position that someone assumes voluntarily and that reflects personal ability and effort Master status: a status that has exceptional importance for social identity, often shaping a person’s entire life Role: behaviour expected of someone who holds a certain status Role set: a number set of roles attached to a single status Role Conflict: conflict among the roles connected to two or more statuses Role Strain: tension among the roles connected to a single status Social construction of reality: the process by which people creatively shape reality through social interaction Thomas Theorem: situations we define as real become real in their consequences Ethnomethodology: the study of the way people make sense of their everyday surroundings Dramaturgical Analysis: the study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance Presentation of self: a person’s efforts to create specific impressions in the minds of others Non-verbal communication: communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions rather than speech. Personal Space: the surrounding area over which a person makes some claim to privacy Every person has many statuses at once, for example a teenage girl is not only a daughter to her parents but also a sister, a student, and a goalie on her hockey team. These statuses can change gradually over time, for example as this girl grows up she will become a wife, a graduate, a lawyer and a parent. People over a lifetime can grow to have many statuses. Some of these statuses are ascribed meaning that they are something given to you without a choice being given, such as being a daughter. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Interaction in Everyday Life specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social Interaction in Everyday Life specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social Interaction in Everyday Life specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Whereas some are achieved statuses meaning they are earned, like being a graduate from university. But there are some statuses that have more importance than others, these are called master statuses; these are statuses that influence and shape a person’s life. Roles are the behaviour that is expected of a person of a certain status. For example, being a mother includes not only being affectionate and loving your children but it also includes giving discipline and structure to the child’s life. These roles can be different due to circumstances and cultures. When a person who has a status, they also have a role set, which is a set of different roles that are linked to one status. At times, there are issues with people’s roles; there are times when roles can cause problems between multiple statuses, the term for that is called role conflict. Role strain is when there are issues between the roles of one status. People can â€Å"exit† roles as well, as people grow the can change their roles and create new ones. Dramaturgical analysis, created by Erving Goffman, is an analogy in which we are viewed like directors or viewers watching a play of everyday life. Each person’s performance is a performance of oneself. Non-verbal communication (NVC) is when people communicate with talking. Some examples would be like smiling and winking. Eye contact is another element of NVC, such as people lying, they tend to look away. Emotions are extremely important to people’s lives. There are six basic emotions: sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust and surprise. Emotions are guided not only by a biological basis, but also by cultural differences as well. Culture can determine the â€Å"trigger† for emotion. Culture is also a determinant of whether you decided whether a certain event is something sad or something happy. Culture not only is a determinant but it also regulates the value of emotion and whether it is proper to show emotion in public. Language is a crucial key to social interaction; it’s what allows us to communicate basic needs and the deeper meanings to things.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Mobile Entertainment for Your Automobile essays

Mobile Entertainment for Your Automobile essays To your left, you hear Boyd Tinsley on the violin and to your right you hear Leroi Moore on the saxophone. Behind you hear the bass guitar that Stefan Lessard commands, as the beating of drums continues from Carter Beauford. Nothing can compare though to the clear voice, that is right in front of you, of Dave Matthews. You swear he is sitting next to you in your Lincoln Navigator and as you drive, singing along with him you watch his performance on your LCD monitor from the DVD player in your dashboard. All of this you can experience in an SUV of your very own with a mobile entertainment system. Many people make mistakes when building their "dream" system, though from listening to me I can help you complete a quality, sweet sounding system you can purchase at your local entertainment store. First and foremost you need to choose a proper head unit. The head unit will house the video screen, process your sound, play your music and movies, and provide control over all your audio and visual settings. In my example, I will use the new Kenwood eXcelon KVT-910DVD because of the great features and quality components it holds. This might seem like a pricey unit to select, but you will soon know you are getting your money worth when you first pop in that slick sounding DVD. This unit is capable of playing all of your audio CD's, even those you make on your PC, and also will play any DVD movie you own. It features a motorized LCD screen which negates the cost of buying an additional video monitor and already places the screen in the perfect viewing area: directly in the middle. As far as audio quality is concerned, this Kenwood is well packed with great DAC's (Digital Audio Converter's) to process the sound and a high S/N (Signal to Noise) ratio to have almost no hiss heard fro m the speakers. All of this would not be complete without the extra Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS processor to send your movie experience through the roof. Now to cho...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Algebra Definition

Algebra Definition Algebra is a branch of mathematics that substitutes letters for numbers. Algebra is about finding the unknown or putting real-life variables into equations and then solving them.  Algebra can include real and complex numbers, matrices, and vectors. An algebraic equation represents a scale where what is done on one side of the scale is also done to the other and numbers act as constants. The important branch of mathematics dates back centuries, to the Middle East. History Algebra was invented by Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, a mathematician, astronomer, and geographer, who was born about 780 in Baghdad. Al-Khwarizmis treatise on algebra,  al-Kitab al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr waÊ ¾l-muqabala  (â€Å"The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing†), which was published about 830, included elements of Greek, Hebrew, and Hindu works that were derived from Babylonian mathematics more than 2000 years earlier. The term al-jabr in the title led to the word algebra when the work was translated into Latin several centuries later.  Although it sets forth the basic rules of algebra,  the treatise  had a practical objective: to teach, as al-Khwarizmi put it: ...what is easiest and most useful in arithmetic, such as men constantly require in cases of inheritance, legacies, partition, lawsuits, and trade, and in all their dealings with one another, or where the measuring of lands, the digging of canals, geometrical computations, and other objects of various sorts and kinds are concerned. The work included examples as well as algebraic rules to help the reader with practical applications. Uses of Algebra Algebra is widely used in many fields including medicine and accounting, but it can also be useful for everyday problem-solving. Along with developing critical thinking- such as logic, patterns, and deductive and inductive reasoning- understanding the core concepts of algebra can help people better handle complex problems involving numbers. This can help them in the workplace where real-life scenarios of unknown variables related to expenses and profits require employees to use algebraic equations to determine the missing factors. For example, suppose an employee needed to determine how many boxes of detergent he started the day with if he sold 37 but still had 13 remaining. The algebraic equation for this problem would be: x – 37 13 where the number of boxes of detergent he started with is represented by x, the unknown he is trying to solve. Algebra seeks to find the unknown and to find it here, the employee would manipulate the scale of the equation to isolate x on one side by adding 37 to both sides: x – 37 37 13 37x 50 So, the employee started the day with 50 boxes of detergent if he had 13 remaining after selling 37 of them. Types of Algebra There are numerous branches of algebra, but these are generally considered the most important: Elementary: a branch of algebra that deals with the general properties of numbers and the relations between them Abstract: deals with abstract algebraic structures rather than the usual number systems   Linear: focuses on linear equations such as linear functions and their representations through matrices and vector spaces Boolean: used to analyze and simplify digital (logic) circuits, says Tutorials Point. It uses only binary numbers, such as 0 and 1. Commutative: studies  commutative rings- rings in which multiplication operations are commutative. Computer: studies and develops algorithms and software for manipulating mathematical expressions and objects Homological: used to prove nonconstructive existence theorems in algebra, says the text, An Introduction to Homological Algebra Universal: studies common properties of all  algebraic  structures, including groups, rings, fields, and lattices, notes Wolfram Mathworld Relational: a procedural query language, which takes a relation as input and generates a relation as output, says Geeks for Geeks Algebraic number theory: a branch of number theory that uses the techniques of abstract algebra to study the integers, rational numbers, and their generalizations Algebraic geometry: studies zeros of multivariate polynomials, algebraic expressions that include real numbers and variables Algebraic combinatorics: studies finite or discrete structures, such as networks, polyhedra, codes, or algorithms, notes Duke Universitys Department of Mathematics.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Share Trading Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Share Trading Assignment - Essay Example Trading Activities Buying of Shares with the notional ?100,000 888 Holdings PLC (888.L) ?31.25 as at September 30, 2011 11:07 Prev Close: 32.75 Open: 32.25 Bid: 35.50 Ask: 36.00 1y Target Est: 1.05 Beta: N/A Next Earnings Date: N/A Purchase cost ?54,000.00 1,500 shares times the ask price of ?36.00 per share. Stamp Duty ?270.00 ?32,750 times 0.005 (Note: 0.005 = 0.5%) Brokers commission ?10.00 It is ?10.00 whatever the size of the trade. Total ?54,280.00 Shares of 888 Holdings Plc seemed to be very lucrative hence the desire to buy them. What’s more, there has been an increasing trend in the value of shares of 888 Holdings Plc, which made it even more lucrative. Vodafone Group PLC (VOD.L) ?166.25 as at September 30, 2011 Prev Close: 166.25 Open: 167.15 Bid: 168.30 Ask: 168.35 1y Target Est: 199.14 Beta: N/A Next Earnings Date: N/A Purchase cost ?45,454.50 270 shares times the ask price of ?168.35 per share. Stamp Duty ?227.27 ?13,300 times 0.005 (Note: 0.005 = 0.5%) Brokers co mmission ?10.00 It is ?10.00 whatever the size of the trade. Total ?45,691.77 Despite recent drop in the value of shares, Vodafone Plc shares seemed attractive to invest in given the status of the company. The company has grown considerable thus proving that there is possibility of future prospects. What’s more, there were indications that the firm’s share is very attractive in the market hence trading on the shares may be very easy. The total amount invested in the two firms is given by 1,500 shares of 888 Holdings Plc ?54,280.00 270 shares of Vodafone Plc ?45,691.77 Total ?99,971.77 Selling of Shares 888 Holdings PLC (888.L) ?72.00 3.25(4.73%) 11:07 (April 16, 2012) Prev Close: 68.75 Open: 68.25 Bid: 71.50 Ask: 72.00 1y Target Est: 1.05 Beta: N/A Next Earnings Date: N/A Selling Revenue ?107,250.00 1500 shares times the ask price of ?71.50 per share. Brokers commission ?10.00 It is ?10.00 whatever the size of the trade. Total ?107,240.00 Vodafone Group PLC (VOD.L) 71. 54 2.09(1.23%) 11:12AM (April 16, 2012) Prev Close: 169.45 Open: 169.35 Bid: 171.50 Ask: 171.55 1y Target Est: 199.14 Beta: N/A Next Earnings Date: N/A Purchase cost ?46,305.00 270 shares times the ask price of ?171.50 per share. Brokers commission ?10.00 It is ?10.00 whatever the size of the trade. Total ?46,295.00 Total Revenue obtained from selling the shares 1,500 shares of 888 Holdings Plc ?107,240.00 270 shares of Vodafone Plc ?46,295.00 Total ?153,535.00 Percentage Profit from the Trading * 100 = 53.53% FTSE All-Share index is 5,300 on September 31, 2011 and 5,678 on April 16, 2012 at 1400 hours. = 7.13% Therefore, on the basis of the above calculations on Percentage profit and FTSE All-share index, there is no doubt that the trading was able to beat the FTSE All-share index. Critical diary Trading within the stock exchange market is a tricky and challenging aspect of commerce. Every individual involved in investment or trading within the stock exchange market has to be equip ped with adequate and up to date information on the performance of the various stocks or shares within the stock exchange market. One way of attaining such adequate and up to date information is extensive reading and listening to business news. Consequently, before engaging in this trade, I read many articles, journals, listened to and watched much business news. From the articles, journal

Monday, February 3, 2020

Trust & equity law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trust & equity law - Essay Example According to the court in this case â€Å"Charity in its legal sense comprises four principal divisions: trusts for the relief of poverty, trust for the advancement of education, trusts for the advancement of religion, and trusts for other purposes beneficial to the community, not falling under any of the preceding heads."4 Later on, these four principal divisions mentioned in the case together with some other provisions were incorporated in the Charities Act of 1992 and 1993. However, the definition given under the law was not clear enough so as to clearly elucidate on the issue of which organizations should be considered as charities. The case of McGovern v Attorney General (1982)5 illustrated the difficulties of obtaining charitable status. Note that in this case, the Amnesty International seek establish a charitable trust which is geared towards securing the release of prisoners, abolish the practices of torture and other dehumanizing acts as well as to do some research in the a reas of human rights protection and maintenance.6 Unfortunately, in this case, the charitable trust was not recognized by law as valid not because the goal was not a noble one but rather because the goals set by Amnesty International was not entirely charitable as it also includes some political motives such as the changing of policies in some countries which are in violation of human rights. On the other hand, in the earlier decision on the case of Re South Place Ethical Society (1980)7, the Court considered the charitable trust as valid not on the ground that the South Place Ethical Society â€Å"seeks the advancement of religion†8 but because it can be classified as an educational institution. This decision gives us an idea on how one could go around the provisions of the Charities Act 1993 and take advantage of the benefits accorded to charities. The enactment of the Charities Act 2006 heralded

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Review of Data Duplication Methods

Review of Data Duplication Methods Mandeep Singh Abstract: -The cloud storage services are used to store intermediate and persistent data generated from various resources including servers and IoT based networks. The outcome of such developments is that the data gets duplicated and gets replicated rapidly especially when large numbers of cloud users are working in a collaborative environment to solve large scale problems in geo-distributed networks. The data gets prone to breach of privacy and high incidence of duplication of data. When the dynamics of cloud services change over period of time, the ownership and proof of identity operations also need to change and work dynamically for high degree of security. In this work we will study the concepts; methods and the schemes that can make the cloud services secure and reduce the incident of data duplication with use of cryptography mathematics and increase potential storage capacity. The purposed scheme works for deduplication of data with arithmetic key validity operations that redu ce the overhead and increase the complexity of the keys so that it is hard to break the keys. Keywords: De-duplication, Arithmetic validity, proof of ownership. INTRODUCTION Organizations that focus on providing online storage with strong emphasizes on the security of data based on double encryption [1] (256 bit AES or 448 bit), managed along with fish key algorithm and SSL encryption [2] based connections are in great demand. These organizations need to maintain large size data centers that have a temperature control mechanism, power backups are seismic bracing and other safeguards. But all these safeguards, monitoring and mechanism becomes expensive, if they do not take care of data duplication issues and problems related to data reduction. Data Deduplication [3] occurs especially when the setup is multi-users and the users are collaborating with each others work objects such as document files, video, cloud computation services and privileges etc. and volume of data grows expensively. In a distributed database management systems special care is taken to avoid duplication of data either by minimizing the number of writes for saving I/O bandwidth or de normalization. Databases use the concept of locking to avoid ownership issues, access conflicts and duplication issues. But even as disk storage capacities continue to increase and are becoming more cheaper, the demand for online storage has also increased many folds. Hence, the cloud service providers (CSP) continue to seek methods to reduce cost of DE-duplication and increase the potential capacity of the disk with better data management techniques. The data managers may use either compression or deduplication methods to achieve this business goal. In broad terms these technologies can be classified as data reduction techniques. The end customers are able to effectively store more data than the overall capacity of their disk storage system would allow. For example a customer has 20 TB storage array the customer may bet benefit of 5:1 which means theoretically 5 times the current storage can be availed. [(5*20 TB) = 100 TB]. The next section defines and discussed data reduction methods and issues of ownership to build trustful online storage services. Fig: Deduplication Process The next section defines and discussed data reduction methods and issues of ownership to build trustful online storage services. The purpose is to obtain a reducedrepresentation of a data set file that much smaller in volume yet provide same configure even, if the modified data in a collaborative environment. The reduced representation does not necessarily means a reduction in size of the data, but reduction in unwanted data or duplicates the existence of the data entities. In simple words the data reduction process would retain only one copy of the data and keep pointers to the unique copy if duplicates are found. Hence data storage is reduced. Compression [4]: It is a useful data reduction method as it helps to reduce the overall resources required to store and transmit data over network medium. However, computational resources are required for data reduction method. Such overhead can easily be offset due to the benefit it offers due to compression. However, an subject to the space time complexity trade off; for example, a video compression may require expensive investment in hardware for its compression-decompression and viewing cycle, but it may help to reduce space requirements in case there is need to achieve the video. Deduplication [3]: Deduplication is processed typically consist of steps that divide the data into data sets of smaller chunk sizes and use an algorithm to allocate each data block a unique hash code. In this, the deduplication process further find similarities between the previously stored hash codes to determine if the data block is already in the storage medium. Few methods use the concept comparing back up to the previous data chunks at bit level for removing obsolete data. Prominent works done in this area as follows: Fuse compress compress file system in user space. Files-depot Experiments on file deduplication. Compare A python-based deduplication command line tool and library. Penknife its used to DE duplicate informations in shot messages Opendedup A user space deduplication file system (SDFS) Opendedupe A deduplication based filesystem (SDFS) Ostor Data deduplication in the cloud. Opensdfs A user space deduplication file system. Liten Python based command line utility for elimination of duplicates. Commercial: 1). Symantec 2). Comm Vault. 3). Cloud Based: Asigra, Baracuda, Jungle Disk, Mozy. Before we engross further into this topic, let us understand the basic terms involved in the DE duplication process having in built securely features. Security Keys [5]: The security keys mainly consist of two types, namely first is Public Key and second is Private Key. The public keys are essentially cryptographic keys or sequences that can be obtained and used by anyone to encrypt data/messages intended for particular recipient entity and can be unlocked or deciphered with the help of a key or sequence in knowledge of recipient (Private Key). Private Key is always paired with the public key and is shared only with key generator or initiator, ensuring a high degree of security and traceability. Key Generation: It is a method of creating keys in cryptography with the help of algorithms such as a symmetric key algorithm (DES or AES) and public key algorithm (such as RSA) [6]. Currently systems such as TLS [7], SSH are using computational methods of these two. The size of the keys depends upon the memory storage available on (16, 32, 64, 128 bits) etc. Key Distribution: Before, any authentication process can happen both the parties need exchange the private and public keys. In typical public key cryptography, the key distribution is done using public server keys. The key generator or initiator keeps one key to himself/herself and uploads the other key to server. In case of SSH the algorithm used is Diffie-Hellman key [6] exchange. In this arrangement, if the client does not possess a pair of public and private key along with published certificate. It is difficult for the client to proof ownership. The Figure [1] shows the life cycle of Keys used for the sake of security. Fig 1: Life Cycle of Key Key Matching and Validation: Since, in most cases the private key is intended to reside on the server. And, the key exchange process needs to remain secure with the use of secure shell, this is a need to have a robust key matching algorithm so that no spoofing or manipulation occur in transient. Moreover, it is always recommended that a public key validation must be done before these keys are put into operation. Public key validation tests consist of arithmetic test [8] that ensure that component of candidate informs to key generation standard. Hence, a certificate authority [9] (CA) helps in choosing the trusted parties bound by their individual identities with the help of public key. This is stated in Certificate Produce Standards. Some third party validators use the concept of key agreements and others may use the concept of proof of possession mechanism. In POP mechanism [10], for the proper establishment of keys, the user interacting is required to work with CA using a natural function of the keys (either key agreement for encryption) or by using zero-proof knowledge algorithms [11] to show possession of private key. POP shows that user owns the corresponding private key, but not necessarily, that the public key is arithmetically valid. The Public key validation (PKV) methods show that public key is arithmetically valid, but not necessary that anyone who owns the corresponding key. Combination of these (POP and PKV) methods gives a greater degree of security confidence that can be useful for Deduplication operation. However, the only issues needs to be addressed is the overhead involved in public key validation. Improvements in arithmetic validity test can be done to improve the validation process, especially in concept of DE duplication area; where the message to be encrypted in data chunks and need to arithmetic validation and proof of ownership is to be done multiple times due to the collaborative nature of the data object. Most of the arithmetic tests validity are based on the generation and selection of prime numbers. It was in late 1989s many people came up with an idea of solving key distribution problem for exchanging information publicly with a use of a shared or a secret cipher without someone else being able to compute the secret value. The most widely used algorithms DiffieHellman key exchange takes advantage of prime number series. The mathematics of prime numbers (integer whole numbers) shows that the modulus of prime numbers is useful for cryptography. The Example [Table no. 1] clearly illustrates the prime number values gets the systematically bigger and bigger, is very usefu l for cryptography as it has the scrambling impact. For example: Prime Numbers in Cryptography and Deduplication: Prime numbers [13] are whole numbers integers that have either factors 1 or same factor as itself. They are helpful in choosing disjoint sets of random numbers that do not have any common factors. With use of modular arithmetic certain large computations can be done easily with reduced number of steps. It states that remainder always remain less than divider, for example, 39 modulo 8, which is calculated as 39/7 (= 4 7/8) and take the remainder. In this case, 8 divides into 39 with a remainder of 7. Thus, 39 modulo 8 = 7. Note that the remainder (when dividing by 8) is always less than 8. Table [1] give more examples and pattern due this arithmetic. 11 modulus 8=3 17 modulus 8=1 12 modulus 8=4 18 modulus 8=2 13 modulus 8=5 19 modulus 8=3 14 modulus 8=6 20 modulus 8=4 15 modulus 8=7 21 modulus 8=5 16 modulus 8=0 So onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Table 1: Example of Arithmetic of modus To do modular addition [14], two numbers are added normally, then divided by the modulus and get the remainder. Thus, (17+20) mod 7 = (37) mod 7 = 2. The next section illustrates, how these computations are employed for cryptographic key exchange with typical example of Alice, Bod and Eva as actors in a typical scenario of keys exchange for authentication. Step1: Sender (first person) and receiver (second person) agree, publicly, on a prime number X, having base number Y. Hacker (third person) may get public number X access to the public prime number. Step 2: Sender (first person) commits to a number A, as his/her secret number exponent. The sender keeps this secret. Receiver (second person), similarly, select his/her secret exponent. Then, the first person calculates Z using equation no. 1 Z = YA (mod X) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. (1) And sends Z to Receiver (second person). Likewise, Receiver becomes calculate the value C using equation no. 2 Z= YB (mod X) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (2) And sends C to Sender (first person). Note that Hacker (third person) might have both Y and C. Step 3: Now, Sender takes the values of C, and calculate using equation no. 3 CA (mod X). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. (3) Step 4: Similarly Receiver calculates using equation no. 4 ZB (mod X). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. (4) Step 5: The value they compute is same because K = YB (mod X) and sender computed CA (mod X) = (YB) A (mod X) = YBA (mod X). Secondly because Receiver used Z = YA (mod X), and computed ZB (mod X) = (YA) B (mod X) = YAB (mod X). Thus, without knowing Receivers secret exponent, B, sender was able to calculate YAB (mod X). With this value as a key, Sender and Receiver can now start working together. But Hacker may break into the code of the communication channel by computing Y, X, Z C just like Sender and Receiver. Experimental results in cryptography, show that it ultimately becomes a discrete algorithm problem and consequently Hacker fails to breaks the code. The Hacker does not have any proper way to get value. This is because the value is huge, but the question is how did sender and receiver computed such a large value, it is because of modulus arithmetic. They were working on the modulus of P and using a shortcut method called repeated squaring method. The problem of finding match to break the code for the hacker becomes a problem of discrete algorithm problem. [15] From the above mention in this paper, it can be deduced that the athematic validity part of the security algorithm computations can also be improved by reducing number of computational steps. For this purpose Vedic mathematical methods such as [17], especially where the resources (memory to store and compute) keys are constrained. Example: Base Type Example on how compute exponents using Vedic Maths If the base is taken less than 10 9^3= 9-1 / 1ÃÆ'-1 / (1ÃÆ'-9) / 1ÃÆ'-1ÃÆ'-9 = 8 /1 / -9 / 9 = 81 / -9 / 9 = 81 9 / 9 = 72 / 9 = 729 If the base is taken greater than 10 12^3= 12 + 2 / 2 ÃÆ'- 2 / + (2 ÃÆ'- 12) / 2ÃÆ'- 2 ÃÆ'- 12 = 14 / 4 / + 24 / 48 = 144 / +24 / 48 = 144 +24 / 48 = 168/ 48 = 1728 Life Cycle of Data and Deduplication: The life cycle of digital material is normally prove to change from technological and business processes throughout their lifecycle. Reliable re-use of this digital material, is only possible. If the curation, archiving and storage systems are well-defined and functioning with minimum resource to maximum returns. Hence, control to these events in the Life Cycle is Deduplication process and securely of data. Table: 1 recent works in key management applied in De duplication area S. No. Authors Problem undertaken Techniques used Goal achieved Junbeom Hur et al. [1] Build a secure key ownership schema that work dynamically with guaranteed data integrity against tag inconsistency attack. Used Re-encryption techniques that enables dynamic updates upon any ownership changes in the cloud storage. Tag consistency becomes true and key management becomes more efficient in terms of computation cost as compare to RCE (Randomized convergent encryption). However the author did not focused their work on arithmetic validity of the keys. Although the lot of work has been done on ownership of keys. Chia-Mu Yu et al. [18] Improve cloud server and mobile device efficiency in terms of its storage capabilities and of POW scheme. Used improved of flow of POW with bloom filter for managing memory without the need to access disk after storing. Reduced server side latency and user side latency. Jorge Blasco et al. [19] Improve the efficiency of resources (space, bandwidth, efficiency) and improve security during the DE duplication process. Improved the working of bloom filter implementation for its usage in POW scheme and thwart a malicious client attack for colluding with the legitimate owner of the file. Experimental resources suggest the execution time increase when size of file grows but in case of proposed scheme it helps in building a better trade off between space and bandwidth. Jin Li et al. [20] Build an improved key management schema that it more efficiency and secure when key distribution operation access. The user holds an independent master key for encrypting the convergence keys and outsourcing them to could this creates lot of overhead. This is avoided by using ramp secret sharing (RSSS) and dividing the duplication phase into small phase (first and block level DE duplication). The new key management scheme (Dekey) with help of ramp scheme reduces the overhead (encoding and decoding) better than the previous scheme. Chao Yang et al. [21] Overcome the problem of the vulnerability of client side deduplication operation, especially when the attacker trys to access on authorized file stored on the server by just using file name and its hash value. The concept spot checking in wheel the client only needs to access small functions of the original files dynamic do efficient and randomly chosen induces of the original file. The proposed scheme creates better provable ownership file operation that maintains high degree of detection power in terms of probability of finding unauthorized access to files. Xuexue Jin et al. [11] Current methods use information computed from shared file to achieve. DE duplication of encrypted. Data or convergent encryption into method is Vulnerable as it is based well known public algorithm. DE duplication encryption algorithm are combined with proof of ownership algorithm to achieve higher degree of security during the DE duplication process. The process is also argument with proxy re-encryption (PRE) and digitalize credentials checks. The author achieved anonymous DE duplication encryption along with POW test, consequently the level of protection was increased and attacks were avoided. Danny Harnik et al. [22] Improve cross user (s) interaction securely with higher degree of privacy during DE duplication. The authors have described multiple methods that include:- (a). Stop cross over user interaction. (b). Allow user to use their own private keys to encrypt. (c). Randomized algorithm. Reduced the cost of operation to secure the duplication process. Reduced leakage of information during DE duplication process. Higher degree of fortification. Jingwei Li et al. [23] The authors have worked on the problem of integrity auditing and security of DE duplication. The authors have proposed and implemented two methods via Sec Cloud and Sec Cloud+, both systems improve auditing the maintain ace with help of map reduce architecture. The Implementation provided performance of periodic integrity check and verification without the local copy of data files. Better degree of proof of ownership process integrated with auditing. Kun He et al. [24] Reduce complications due to structure diversity and private tag generation. Find better alternative to homomorphic authenticated tree. (HAT) Use random oracle model to avoid occurrence of breach and constructs to do unlimited number of verifications and update operations. DeyPoS which means DE duplicable dynamic proof of storage. The theoretical and experimental results show that the algorithm (DeyPoS) implementation is highly efficient in conditions where the file size grows exponentially and large number of blocks are there. Jin Li et al. [25] The provide better protected data, and reduce duplication copies in storage with help of encryption and alternate Deduplication method. Use hybrid cloud architecture for higher degree of security (taken based) , the token are used to maintain storage that does not have Deduplication and it is more secure due to its dynamic behavior. The results claimed in the paper shows that the implemented algorithm gives minimal overhead compared to the normal operations. Zheng Yan et al. [26] Reduce the complexity of key management step during data duplication process But implement less complex encryption with same or better level of security. This is done with the help of Attribute Based Encryption algorithm. Reduce complexity overhead and execution time when file size grows as compared to preview work. Summary of Key Challenges Found The degree of issues related to implementation of Crypto Algorithms in terms of mathematics is not that difficult as compared to embracing and applying to current technological scenarios. Decentralized Anonymous Credentials validity and arithmetic validity is need to the hour and human sensitivity to remain safe is critical. In certain cases, the need to eliminate a trusted credential issuers can help to reduce the overhead without compromising the security level whole running deduplication process. Many algorithms for exponentiation do not provide defense against side-channel attacks, when deduplication process is run over network. An attacker observing the sequence of squaring and multiplications can (partially) recover the exponent involved in the computation. Many methods compute the secret key based on Recursive method, which have more overhead as compared methods that are vectorized. Some of the vectorized implementations of such algorithms can be improved by reducing the number of steps with one line computational methods, especially when the powers of exponent are smaller than 8. There is a scope of improvement in reducing computational overhead in methods of computations of arithmetic validity methods by using methods such as Nikhilam Sutra, Karatsuba. CONCLUSION In this paper, sections have been dedicated to the discussion on the values concepts that need to be understood to overcome the challenges in De-duplication algorithms implementations. It was found that at each level of duplication process (file and block) there is a needs for keys to be arithmetically valid and there ownership also need proved for proper working of a secure duplication system. The process becomes prone to attacks, when the process is applied in geo-distributed storage architecture. The complexity for cheating ownership verification is at least difficult as performing strong collision attack of the hash function due to these mathematical functions. Finding the discrete algorithm of a random elliptic curve element with respect to a publicly known base point is infeasible this is (ECDLP). The security of the elliptic curve cryptography depends on the ability to the compute a point multiplication and the mobility to compute the multiple given the original and product po ints. The size of the elliptic curve determines the difficulty of the problem. 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Friday, January 17, 2020

The Motives for Holding Inventory Explained

In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, retailers stock their inventory with dozens of Christmas items in anticipation of the holiday rush. When Christmas has passed, the store is left with Christmas items that did not sell. To make room for the next calendar holiday, the retailer will sell their Christmas overstock at extreme discounts. Whatever doesn’t sell will be restocked in inventory for the next Christmas season. The retailer is able to get a jump-start for the next Christmas season by placing last year’s Christmas inventory out in October. A good business operation understands that there will be times when holding inventory becomes crucial in their success. From not wanting to spend additional funds on restocking, to preparing for fluctuations in market conditions, motives for holding inventory are indispensable in inventory management. There are 4 motives for holding inventory: Production smoothing, inventories as a factor of production, stock-out avoidance, and work in progress (Gregory, 2007). Production smoothing, the first of the four motives, involves preparing for fluctuations in sales, as well as seeking a more economically sound way to continue production. When sales offset production either positively or negatively, inventories will rise or fall. With production smoothing, it is more logical to produce items at a constant rate (Gregory, 2007). The second motive is consideration for inventories as a factor of production. Let’s say that a drama teacher is looking for a Christmas tree in June for his â€Å"Christmas in July† production. The overstock from last year’s Christmas season assists in the retailer not losing business because they restocked Christmas trees that didn’t sell from last year. The third motive, stock-out avoidance, protects a business from contractual risk, as well as lost sales in the event of high demand (Fafechamps, 1997). With contractual risk, both the business and the client run the risk of not adhering to a contract, but in  the way of business, holding inventory provides better odds that the business will have what the client requires in order to conduct business and comply with their contract (Fafechamps, 1997). In addition to this motive, being prepared for unexpected demand is imperative in keeping business. For example, an unexpected freeze in the fall could cause people to shop in droves for firewood. The retailer who does not meet the demand will lose business and retain the reputation of not being sufficiently stocked. The final motive, although not really a motive at all, is work in progress. Any unfinished item in the store must also be counted as inventory (Gregory, 2007). If you have ever walked into a store to buy a specific item and found that the store does not have it in stock, you may avoid the store all together in the future. Holding inventory is important for both the business and the customer. It ensures repeated business and makes for smooth sailing. References: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gregory, Mankiw & Cronovich, Ron C. (2007) Investments and Inventory. January 2007. www.cwu.edu/~wassellc/ECON%20302/Investment.pdf. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fafechamp, Marcel, Gunning, Jan W. & Oostendorp, Remco. (1997) Inventory, Liquidity and Contractual Risk in Marketing. January 2007.   

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Midnight in Paris - 2167 Words

Frank Vargas Professor Beverly Whitson English 52 24 March 2014 The Era We Live In What’s one of the worst parts about living life? It can be not being able to find that one true love in life, or even living with regret in your heart. I always hear conversations about people being together with a person they don’t love, or people talking about something they wish they could have done when they had the chance, but were too concerned about another factor in their lives, now having to live life full of regrets. Like Gil Pender says, â€Å"That’s just the era we line in†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In the 2011 film, Midnight In Paris, written and directed by Woody Allen, tells the story of Gil Pender’s, played by Owen Wilson, longing for self-fulfillment and his love†¦show more content†¦According to Rolling Stone Magazines Peter Travers, Wilson’s performance is pitch perfect to capturing the humor and gravity that Gil Pender’s role demanded. I have to agree with Travers because Wilson took on a few scenes where we were able to reco gnize his comedic rooms from other films. USA Today’s Claudia Puig doesn’t applaud Wilson’s performance as I do. She refers to his work to less than convincing of a novelist with a passion for Fitzgerald or Hemingway like he does in the film. Puig argues that unlike his comedy films like Wedding Crashers or Zoolander, Wilson does a mediocre job on the film. Based on the film, Wilson is able to keep the audience thinking and believe that he is a dedicated and talented writer. Pete Hammond of Box Office Magazine, declares Allen’s romantic comedy to be a delightful film giving Gil what he wants every night taking him back to the golden era of 1920’s Paris, to be Wilson’s best work in years. Hammond took the words right out of my mouth; it’s indeed Wilson’s best work since his comedy film, Wedding Crashers. 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